Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Then Sings My Soul Special Edition Review

Then Sings My Soul Special Edition by Robert Morgan is recommended by me if you enjoy church music, Christmas music, Easter music, etc....basically any music in general. Its neat to be able to put a story with the words you sing.

Having the devotional stories and words to meditate on during the day. I've always enjoyed hearing stories to go along with the hymns and songs that I have grown to love and this book is one to reference in the future.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed reading the story behind some of the most common of hymn. With each story, some of our “every day” hymns are given new meaning, and emotion.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Review of Outlive Your Life

I haven't really ever finished a book by Max however this is one book that I was proud of finishing. From the first page to the last page, I was captivated by the words on the page that brought life to my mind and soul.

This book challenged me to be different in an indifferent world. This book caused me to think so far outside the box and from what I'm normally used to thinking. Now I am called to think less of myself and more of those surrounding me.

This book has challenged me on many levels. One of the chapters is called "See a Need--Meet a Need." I've always enjoyed helping people out but after reading the chapter I began to realize that some of the reasons I help others are to have things to attach to my spiritual resume and make me look good. I was reminded that the reason I should serve one another is not to add to my reputation but because the Gospel should convict me to helping others.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Review of The Hole in our Gospel

Wow! What an incredible book to read and meditate with. This book caused me to think so far outside the box and from what I'm normally used to thinking. Now I am called to think less of myself and more of those surrounding me.

This book has challenged me on many levels. One level that has stuck out the most deals with self vs. others. I sometimes tend to focus on the needs of self before the needs of others. This book has given me the reminder and chance to step back and look to reality about how I need to serve and meet the needs of others--alongside sharing the Gospel. Both meeting needs and sharing the Gospel should work hand in hand and not by theirselves.

I've also learned to appreciate what I have and be thankful for the little things that I often forget. This book has allowed me to refocus my life and lead more to sharing what the HOLE Gospel looks like instead of the parts that we chop up to fit in our lives for which we like.

Monday, May 3, 2010

How Should A Christian Live? Booksneeze Review

How Should a Christian Live? is a Word of Promise Next Generation Devotional. I gained interest in this book because of its catchy looking cover. After looking through the book I began to see how easily this book is designed for the "next generation." The devotionals in this book are very much sound devotionals and provide insight that teenagers would possibly have questions about.

For the most part, I did think students would find the devotional interesting. There are famous celebs that they are familiar with reading the Gospel and sharing in the devotional time. Some of the curriculum in the devotional book however was a tad bit too much for a student to handle. It would have been great for the verses to be broken down into different days so the student could take it all in. I figure that could easily be adjusted however as needed.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Living Life In The Zone Review

During my book selection from Book Sneeze, I was very hesitant about choose the book Living Life In The Zone. However, the other book selections did not seem quite as interesting so I went with this book. Some of the material discussed in this book I could not relate well with because of my lack of experiences. For example, the devotionals about married life, however each one did expose me to that some issues could potentially arise once I do find someone and plan for marriage.

One of the most memorable things I carried from this book was something that I read in the first several pages during one of the devotionals. It struck me in a different light thinking about how We as men of God should call on Christ to be the "quarterbacks" of our lives rather than the benchwarmer and calling on Him when needed. This caused me to view God differently and hold him to a higher respect than as the escape goat that we as Christians sometimes use Him as.

Overall, this book was not exactly what I wished to have recieved however, I did take away a number of valuable life lessons for now and for my future.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Living Life In the Zone

Today I recieved my first book to read and review from http://booksneeze.com.

I'm pretty excited about reading this book. Its suppose to be a 40 day spiritual game plan for men.

While I am reading it to review for others, I hope that it challenges me to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back to the Grind...

Well I move back in to school tomorrow and I am sorta glad that I'm going back. I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and learn some more about teaching my kids. I'm also looking fowards to finding out my placement and then being to see the kids that I get to work with for 10 weeks.

So back to the grind and here we go.....